Pile of Stuff

GSDesktop Helper 0.2 for Linux

I’m happily announcing this highly customizable version. Yes, you heard it right, now you can change keyboard combos on the fly and keep them for how long you want. Isn’t that awesome? It is!

For Debian/Ubuntu installation is pretty straight forward:

cd ~
dpkg -i gsd-helper-0.2_all.deb

For others, read README in github of GSDesktop Helper or ask me.

Use keySharky in Prism

2011.03.26. Groovesharks global keyboard shortcuts in Windows

Updated: to new version of keySharky for Prism (1.5)

It’s really nice to receive ideas from users of add-on and make them into reality. One month ago vsilvar requested port to Prism. Sadly, at the time keySharky didn’t have that great API server feature, so I didn’t see any reason for porting. But now, things are bit different and thanks to pandronic of reminding me that.

Funny or not, but port is already online! So, you might ask, how to install and use all of that goodness? For that was wrote this tutorial ;)

Setup Prism

Prism lives in Mozilla Labs page and you can download it for your OS. Then extract, install or do whatever you need to get Prism running.

Create Grooveshark WebApp

Open Prism “application creator” and fill forms like so (of course you could go more fancy, about configuring it, but be sure to have checked ”Show status messages and progress” because we will need it to configure keySharky):

Now you are allowed to press Ok.

Installing keySharky

Grab package of keySharky for Prism. In newly created WebApp at bottom right corner find gear icon and click on it. Navigate to Tools > Add-ons.

Add-ons window should appear. To add keySharky click on Install button, then find where you downloaded keySharky package and select it. If all is good, you should by now have installed keySharky waiting for restart of Prism.

Now restart Prism (for me Restart Prism button wasn’t working (like I was hopping), so I just closed every window associated with Prism and then relaunched Grooveshark WebApp from Desktop).

Configuring keySharky API server

Again open Add-ons window and then:

  • In Port input box, select your desired port number;
  • Choose if you want to start API server, when you open Prism, in Start with Firefox checkbox;
  • Press Start to run server;

Fullscreen goodness

If you don’t like status bar, after you configured keySharky, you can remove it! You will need find Web Apps Bundles folder:

This folder is located in the Application Data folder of the user’s home directory on Windows, in the ~/.webapps directory on Linux and under ~/Library on OS X

Inside Web Apps folder find similar folder to “[email protected]” (or whatever you named your Web App) and open it. With your favorite text editor open webapp.ini. You will see that status=true, but you don’t want that, so change it to status=false and hit save. Lastly restart Prism and Volla, status bar is hidden away.

Well, and thats all folks! Now you can use API server to control Grooveshark player inside Prism (add global keyboard shortcuts, create notifiers - its up to you!).

P.S. If you have any questions feel free to ask me

Moved to Solid Ground

Yes, you see it right, Wordpress. I just couldn’t get use to Posterous text editor thingy (and was a bit sad about available customization). Luckily I had unused VPS laying around, so why not to give it a job? And I’m happy about this choose now, because exporting from Posterous articles later, would be hard task.

On other news - Arduino has stolen my life! No really, it’s hell a lot of addictive (so go buy it ;). But on that, later …

GSDesktop Helper Loves Debian Packages

I did it! I packed my first debian package and it’s holding GSDesktop Helper for Linux. So for an easy installation, you can now try these commands.

cd ~
sudo dpkg -i gsd-helper-0.1_all.deb

And you can launch “helper” from menu (inside “Accessories”) and have even more fun with it.

GSDesktop Helper for Linux’ish

We all know, that Windows and Mac users are able to use new “API” for Grooveshark Desktop, but why should Linux users be different? So without long introduction - GSDesktop Helper for Linux. It’s written in pure PyGTK and needs python keybinder to work, so have everything installed, ok?

sudo aptitude install python-keybinder python-gtk2 python

After that, just grab script from git in your favorite fashion:

cd ~
git clone

Now, for example, you could press ALT + F2 and in “Run Application” dialog enter GSDesktop-Helper/ and press “Run”.

That’s all! Now you can control your Grooveshark Desktop with global keyboard shortcuts defined in wiki.

More Fun in API Land

After tiny chit-chat at #Grooveshark channel (in freenode), it got me, keySharky 1.4 needs at least one more method in API server, before shipping it - current song status.

Why? Because blendalf using Grooveshark Desktop had build cool/neat/hot looking notifier for “What song is playing in Grooveshark now?”. So, no more than second later, I wanted to build something similar, but problem was that I don’t use Grooveshark Desktop.

But luckily, n minutes later, keySharky had that feature on board (with second beta version of 1.4). Now left to do: test it for bugs and cross fingers for its approval. And of course build cool notifier :)